Ever since I was a little girl, I always new that I wanted a big family. There were five kids in my family, but we are so spread out it felt like a much smaller family. My older sisters started getting married and moving out when I was only in second grade. From when I got my patriarchal blessing I knew I would have a lot of boys. It talks about the missionary work that will come from my family, and the lives that will blessed. Some people don't know why they are here or what they want to be. My purpose and calling in this life is to be a mom. I struggle being pregnant, I get sick and hate every minute of it. I do it because I know it is why I am here. I want to be done, but I know I will have more. When I look at all my boys, I think of the big strong men that they are and will become. I am honored that Heavenly Father has in trusted me with these strong spirits. Chase is obedient,a great example, leader,mature, helper, and a hard worker. When he was blessed as a little baby it said he would be one of my best friends, and he is. Sim has always been the sweetest since he was born. He is the strong silent type. People are always drawn to him, and he is every one's friend. He seeks out those who may not have friends, and he is there friend. He is very soft,kind,caring,strong,and a leader. Solomon has from the beginning strives to do his best in all that he does. He wants to do whats right. He also seeks out those who need help and befriends them. He loves to help people. He is also one of the hardest workers that you will ever meet. He likes things clean and perfect. He has a smile that will melt your heart and huge dimples to go with it. Benjamin is a funny little guy! He is very creative,smart,good,layed back and strong. He is a leader. I love just watching him and wondering how his brain works and how he comes up with things. Gideon is also the strong silent type, him and Sim are very similar. Everyone is drawn to him because of his beautiful eyes and pretty smile. He is very caring and loves being a big brother and helping take care of his younger siblings. He loves to protect and take care of them. He is the life of the party. Ammon is such a strong personality. He is determined in all that he does and wants. From day one he has been trying to keep up with his older siblings. He honestly believes that Chase and his friends are also his friends. He thinks he can do all that everyone else does.He is also strong and a leader. In a blessing before I had him, it said that he was so excited to be a part of this family and could not wait to get here. I love my boys and hope that they can live up to there potential and remember who they are and what they stand for. They have all been named after great prophets, uncles, fathers, and grandfathers who have set good examples for them to follow. They are my little army of Heleman.
"Now this was the faith of these of whom I have spoken; they are young, and their minds are firm, and they do put their trust in God continually." Alma 57;27 Heres to my future missionaries.
Ali, You are the best Mom. I think your boys will be great missionaries to.
We love those boys. They are so handsome. Those pictures are priceless. Thanks for being a great example of a wonderful mother.
It takes a special person to be able to raise a large family! You are so good at it and an example to all of us. :)
PS. Emma is a cutie!
PS. Im not sure if you can get on our blog since it is private. Email me if you want to be added. joeljess@gmail.com
Wow Ali you are amazing! I don't know how you do it, but your kids are so lucky!
What a wonderful, inspiring post!! I hope my girls grow up and marry strong boys like yours with a wonderful mother who has taught them as well as you have your boys! I love reading your blog - it's one of my favorites and am so thankful we became friends all those years ago. You are such an inspiration to me Ali - thank you!
ali, this is why i joke about my girls marrying one of your boys. it is because i know that they will be strong priesthood holders, righteous and loving husbands and fathers and good missionaries. they are great boys...and i am still willing to negotiate some kind of payment arrangements! :)
Ali, that gave me chills and made me cry. What a breathtakingly honest post. You've inspired me and given me some hope. I'm not sure if we're done yet or not...
El Niño Y Tu Pilin
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