Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sam is 6 months old

Sam is so big! He is 17 lbs. and also in the 25% for weight. I feel like he is huge but I guess not that big. Sam rolls around every where and we always find him under the couch. He is a smiley happy baby. Today while nursing Sam had two seizures. it freeked me out. I was so scared. He will be having tests next week. For now we are watching him closely. I don't feel like I can even put him down.


The Browns said...

They grow so fast. He's so cute!
So scary about the seizures. Good luck with the testing and everything else.

Jamie said...

He is adorable! That would have scared me too. I hope all is well with him.

Jenna said...

Ali remember Denim and all her seizure stuff. Did he have a fever? Everytime she gets sick I still can't take my eyes off her. The problem with her was she never woke up that first time after. I hope all will be ok, we will keep him in our prayers.