Sunday, November 7, 2010

Emma is 14 months old

Emma has learned and changed a lot in the last month. She is such a funny little thing. Her personality is really coming out now. Emma still will not officially walk, when she thinks you are not looking she walks. She likes to walk around pushing chairs. Emma is also a climber. I will leave the room and come back and she will be on a table standing at a chair at the counter on the fireplace, wherever she can get to. Emma likes to do things that are more dangerous and harder than walking. Emma will also walk if she is on an unstable surface like a bed of couch. Emma loves her brothers. When she gets up in the morning and sees Ammon and Gid she squeals and laughs just to see them. Emma likes to stand at the toy basket and throw everything out one by one over head like she is looking for something specific. She is spoiled by attention and knows she has nine people at her beckon call, if she wants anything. She is starting to ramble like she is trying to talk. She can say Hi, mom, and dad. Emma has eight teeth, and loves to eat anything and all day long. Emma loves her binkie and the tags on her little angel pigs and hippo. She has to hold the tags and have her binkie in her mouth to go to sleep.

1 comment:

Heath694 said...

What a little doll! She is too cute!