Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Emma Loops is 21 months old

Emma has had an adjustment since Sam was born. She was so used to being everybodys center of attention especially mine, That Sam being born has rocked her little world. She tries to love him but also loves to hit him. When she tries to pick him up, hold him or carry him she does by his neck. Emma is a funny little thing. She can mimic any word that anybody says. She loves books more than anything. When you get her up in the morning the first thing she says is books. To distract her when she is upset, you just have to ask her where her books are. Emma loves to have a lot of books read to her before bed. Since I am nursing, Sim or Sol read to her. Emma weighs 24 lbs. Emma loves banana's and anything sweet. Emma also loves her daddy. When he is home she is with him non stop. We love little Emma.

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