Sunday, February 26, 2012


We had a nice sunny day, which is few and far between here. We went to the park it was so nice to get outside and let the kids run around. It reminded me of being home in AZ when we would go to the park every afternoon. Sam swung in the swings for the first time ever! He loved it! Emma loves to slide and swing. After she would slide down she would scream" that's fun mama!" the boys played basketball, soccer, rode scooters played kickball in the mud and played at the park. It was a great day, I wish we lived somewhere where my kids could go outside. My three little ones don't know any different there outside time is walking from the front door to the car to go drive siblings around. It is sad. I love the outdoors. I crave taking walks, going to the park having kids ride their bikes up and down the street and just being outside. It's hard when it is so wet and cold and you live on the side of a mountain. Maybe someday our situation will be different. For now we soak up the sun whenever possible.

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