I am almost done with this pregnancy and I can't wait for it to be over!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has been my easiest pregnancy, but I still hate being pregnant. I know some people love it but i can't stand it. I have been getting so many comments lately about how I look, that I think it is time for me to hibernate until I give birth. It is if know one in Washington has ever seen any one pregnant before, or they are just all rude! I feel like a walking freak show!! I can not go any where without people staring or making comments. I feel bigger this time but I don't think I am that big. I have seen way bigger, and most non pregnant people are bigger so I don't get why I am such a spectacle(Maybe it is the 7 other kids I have following me) Another comment I am sick of. "Is it a girl?" Yes," oh you finally got another girl you can quit trying now." I was never trying for another girl. I love babies and always new I would have a big family. So here are a few of my least favorite remarks I received in the past week. I was at the temple and a lady came up and asked when I was due I told her and her response was: You are really going to be huge by then. What do you say ? Thank you that really lifted me up and made me feel better. A guy at the store came up and asked me if it was a good watermelon. Yes it was great. Another man said wow your going to pop! He had a gut bigger than mine, I wanted to say and so are you! Last week we went on vacation and we were at an amusement park and this woman looked at me and mouthed the words WOW!!!! and then asked when I was due and of course I am going to be really big by then. The funny thing is she was fatter than me,snarly teeth,horrible teeth and so on. My question is if people think they can say stuff like that to pregnant woman. Who by the way know how big they are. Can we point out all of there issues. I felt like saying WOW back to that woman. I would never go up to anybody pregnant or not and say stuff like that to them. I don't understand where these people come from. Sorry this is just a lot of rambling. After all those comments I was wearing a white T shirt so Chase decided to nick name me that White Whale. Very funny. As soon as I can figure out how to upload my pictures off of the new camera I will post a picture and you can be the judge, but just don't tell me how big I look. I already know!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
White Whale
I am almost done with this pregnancy and I can't wait for it to be over!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It has been my easiest pregnancy, but I still hate being pregnant. I know some people love it but i can't stand it. I have been getting so many comments lately about how I look, that I think it is time for me to hibernate until I give birth. It is if know one in Washington has ever seen any one pregnant before, or they are just all rude! I feel like a walking freak show!! I can not go any where without people staring or making comments. I feel bigger this time but I don't think I am that big. I have seen way bigger, and most non pregnant people are bigger so I don't get why I am such a spectacle(Maybe it is the 7 other kids I have following me) Another comment I am sick of. "Is it a girl?" Yes," oh you finally got another girl you can quit trying now." I was never trying for another girl. I love babies and always new I would have a big family. So here are a few of my least favorite remarks I received in the past week. I was at the temple and a lady came up and asked when I was due I told her and her response was: You are really going to be huge by then. What do you say ? Thank you that really lifted me up and made me feel better. A guy at the store came up and asked me if it was a good watermelon. Yes it was great. Another man said wow your going to pop! He had a gut bigger than mine, I wanted to say and so are you! Last week we went on vacation and we were at an amusement park and this woman looked at me and mouthed the words WOW!!!! and then asked when I was due and of course I am going to be really big by then. The funny thing is she was fatter than me,snarly teeth,horrible teeth and so on. My question is if people think they can say stuff like that to pregnant woman. Who by the way know how big they are. Can we point out all of there issues. I felt like saying WOW back to that woman. I would never go up to anybody pregnant or not and say stuff like that to them. I don't understand where these people come from. Sorry this is just a lot of rambling. After all those comments I was wearing a white T shirt so Chase decided to nick name me that White Whale. Very funny. As soon as I can figure out how to upload my pictures off of the new camera I will post a picture and you can be the judge, but just don't tell me how big I look. I already know!
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I have to agree people do say the rudest things when you are pregnant. I always got "Wow you must be due any day you are going to pop." And I would have like a month to go. I would also agree you are skinnier than most non pregos. Don't let it get to you people just have issues thats why they are rude.
oh my heavens, i cannot believe some people. You are tiny. When i saw your last pics, i seriously was like, WOW, this is #7, she looks amazing, even if this had been #1!!!
People always think they have the right to say things. I have had 2 comments that really stood out. one lady asked me when i was going to get pregnant again. I told her that Ethan was our last baby. Her reply " well on your head be it at judgement day"..seriously she did. So, i am not gong to the Celestial Kingdom becuase i have 3 children. THEN i was feeding Ethan when he was an infant. we were at a pool and some stranger came up and asked " why are you not breastfeeding your child". i was sooo shocked i started rambling abuot not having any milk, and it happend with my other children etc etc. jeesh, now i would have givenher a piece of my mind. so do not let them get to you. You are pregnant, and beautiful!
that is HORRIFYING! what kind of stupid people?! RUDENESS!
and i'm sure you look FABULOUS! i wish i looked as good as you ever including pregnant . you are the cutest prenant mom EVER!
and seriously 7 kids trailing behind! those people should bow down at your feet you are a DOMESTIC GODDESS!
chalk it up to ignorance.
maybe you should have shirts made saying all the obvious answers for when you go out.
what could they say then? if they say anything after that. say what you really think and flip them the bird.
i hate it when anyone touches my pregnant belly, since it's always been covered in a layer of fat. seriously? JUST DON'T TOUCH ME!
You always look cute prago or not. People need to take a chill. You look good don't let it get to you. I can't wait to see the picture. I hope you have on your white shirt.
That is so funny! And I think that you're a cute pregnant lady and that it's awesome that you have 7 kids following you. I am not excited to hear stuff like that... it's not like you feel crazy cute while you're pregnant! haha anyway, I hope I'm as cute as you when I'm about to pop ;)
P.S. I'm glad I found your blog. I just got into this whole thing.
Ali, you look awesome. I am so jealous of how you look. You are a great mom and look perfect. People are just dumb, there is no other words for it. Dont let stupid comments bother you. You look great and many of us would love to be in your shoes. Love ya girly.
Ali we love you. I am sorry. I also know first hand how rude and stupid people can be. I am constantly judged for my selfishness because I have no children. They ask us if we even try- Drew gladly answers that we try every single night. That shuts people right up. People even comment that I am too small and think that is why I can't get pregnant- you can't be "too big" or "too small" for stupid people. They are just stupid. I am sorry that people are rude. I know it can hurt your feelings. We love you and you look great. I think fat and toothless people take mirrors out of thier house or something- they always think they look so good and can judge people who actually do look nice. Sad for them huh. Love you. Drew and Amy
i am sorry that people suck! you are beautiful and it is amazing that you have 7 kids in tow!
u should hear some of the things that people here are saying about u! let me tell u some..."ali, is the most beautiful person i know, pregnant or not". "how does she look so amazing after 8 children?" "she runs through her entire pregnancy? that is spectacular!" we all think u a fantastic and beautiful...and just think, u get a sweet and beautiful baby after just 9 short months of misery! not a bad prize! luv ya!
I agree with Kim!! I hate peoples comments, sooo crazy. You look perfect as usual and my face is bigger than yours right now!!! It was good to talk to you the other day. Damon says he'd love to visit. So I am thinking after the baby comes maybe October? Well, hopefully it flies by for you!
Ali- You look amazing. People are morons. I remember some guy asking me if I swallowed a pumpkin. Hope these last few weeks fly by and you have your little girl soon.
Ali - you are the sweetest lady I know, and can I just say how lucky those LOSERS are?! Any other pregnant lady in the last stages of her pregnancy might very well have ripped their heads off! And you look nothing like a whale, I think your baby bump is so sweet, and you are as beautiful as ever! I was 210 the week before Isa was born and seriously looked like someone put their tire pump in my ear or up my nose and just pumped it all the way up. It was horrible! MY SIL is having #9 (also a girl) any day now. Some of the comments she has had are crazy too. When she had their last baby, the nurse asked her if they would be tying her tubes as well. For real? Hang in there sister. You're one beautiful momma!
Ali you do not look like a white whale, you look cute. How do you make pregnancy look so easy?
I totally agree, reading your post brought back my frustration when I was preggers w/ Kade. He was 9.7 pounds 16 days early!! I carried him all up front and I'm short waisted so I looked like I was having triplets (according to what people would say). It was the worst. This lady in my ward called at 7 months along and asked if she could arrange meals to be brought in (she thought surely, I was due). Kimball of course told her no thank you, I had 2 months to go. Then when I came to church that morning, I saw her pointing me out to her husband...talk about wanting to hibernate!! People are SO rude. My neighbor made a spectacle of me EVERY time he'd see me (which was all the time), it was so humiliating. Sorry you're getting so much crap, you're right...fat people have NO room to talk and should think before they speak. My niece saw a guy do that to a lady, so she flicked his big gut and asked when he was due...serves him right.
Ok, I live in Washington and I have to agree. A friend of mine has 4 kids and she got rather big with hers. Random people would come up and just TOUCH her belly! EW! And there is always that comment like you said "you are gonna pop" or "you are gonna be huge by then"...I sincerely hope I haven't said that to anyone. I like to tell mom's how adorable they are and when the little belly button pops out, I just think they look so cute! (only to the ones I am close with do I mention this!) The water where I work apparently has pregnancy in it, so everyone here is getting pregnant. Why would anyone want to say how poorly you look during a time the mom is already so emotional?! Personally, I think you look great. I don't know you by any means, but seriously - I am chubby. I bet your pregnancy pants are still smaller than my every day pants - LOL So hmph! HAHA You look adorable and having that many kids follow you, people should be saying "wow, you look fantastic. You have a big family and you still look absolutely amazing" Seems a little kinder!
You look amazingly beautiful! I hated rude comments when i was near my due date too. I get so big, and I know it already people! It still amazes me how women who have been prego before (so they should know how it feels) still insist on making such comments. Honestly I think they are just jealous they didn't look that good!
okay... so I read your blog because you are so darn cute but I've never commented before... But this is quite comical and right up my alley of soap boxes... But just wait for those comments on "how to get that baby out". HOLY SHMOLEY! Or "how to prep your nipples for nursing". They happen to rank on the bothersome side. Especially when they are from strangers! :) GOod luck. If you want to feel better about your pregnant size (which by the way is soooo small and cute) I would be happy to send a photo of me @ 9 months which is astonishing... My butt is enormous! You can carry it around and say, "atleast I'm not as big as her."
Can't wait to see another Hawkins baby. You are too cute. Tell Chase howdy.
I think you look adorable!! You are not even that big at all. That's what I look like at my half way point. People are just dumb and don't know what to say.
I saw Jess at Costco today. It was fun to run into her. I asked about you and she said I needed to read all of your updates, so here I am!
I am so excited for you to have your baby so you can get some relief and to finally see that little angel. Can't wait! Miss you!
Okay, let's get this straight...You have got to be the cutest pregnant woman on the planet, so no worries about all these strangers who have no social skills. I agree that people can be so rude when you're preggers. I could never get over strangers rubbing my belly. I would NEVER rub some fat lady's belly, just because it was out there. Don't worry. You seriously are such an amazing Mom and you look great! Hang in there:-)
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